Please share this event with your Scottish Rite and other Masonic Brethren!
Our monthly stated membership meeting will be held at 7:00 PM in the Scottish Rite Cathedral Theater (2nd floor). Don’t forget to bring your membership card for check-in.
Social distancing must be practiced.
There will be no food service, and Washington’s Retreat will be closed.
The 17th Degree, Knight of the East and West, will be presented in video format following the business meeting. Please join us for this degree which has only rarely been performed in the Indianapolis Valley. If you have joined the Scottish Rite in the last three or four years, this is definitely a degree you will need for your passport:
The 17° presents a picture of the conflicts which confronted one man, King Herod the Great, as he labored with the whimsical actions within his family, his court and his kingdom. Although the scene itself is fictitious, the facts relating to the intrigue within the court and King Herod’s renovation of the Second Temple, which had been erected by Zerubbabel, are historically correct. The attitudes of the three factions of the Jewish religious population reflect the conflicts which continue, even today, as we try to understand our places in the plan of the Grand Architect. This degree teaches that we must seek truth in our path through life, and that we should learn from, and avoid repeating, the errors of the past.
— Summary courtesy of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, AASR
If you would like to join the Scottish Rite you must be a Master Mason in good standing. See one of the officers to get a petition, or complete and submit the online petition. The petitioning fee* must be paid prior to receiving the 4th Degree. Please arrive before 6:00 PM. We will make you a 4th Degree member before the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you all!
* The petitioning fee is $100. The petitioner must also pay annual dues for 2021 in advance, which are $180, for a total of $280 due along with the petition.